Heavy Rains Flood Spain's Balearic Islands

Heavy Rains Flood Spain's Balearic Islands
Heavy Rains Flood Spain's Balearic Islands

Torrential rains across Spain's Balearic islands have flooded roads, forced people to evacuate and flights to be canceled, with Spain's emergency military unit saying it had been deployed to Mallorca to help with the situation.

Spanish national weather agency AEMET kept an orange alert in the whole area due to the high risk of storms, having downgraded it from red earlier.

Footage showed the maritime assistance trying to refloat stranded boats at the beach in the island of Formentera.

The emergency services said they expected the worst of the storm to have passed, having urged people to remain indoors.

Regional firefighters said on X they had cordoned off areas in central Palma de Mallorca and evacuated 29 people from a train on the line between Palma and Manacor due to the flooding.

The Spanish emergency military unit (UME) said it had been deployed to assess the situation and provide support to civil authorities if necessary.

More than 50 flights were canceled across airports in the Balearic Islands since the rainstorm started and delays are expected to continue, Spanish airport operator Aena said.

Civil Guard police said  they had evacuated a dozen people from Soller town in Mallorca due to the floods.

The regional emergency service said it had received around 180 calls on incidents related to the storms during the last 24 hours. Nine people were injured in the island of Formentera and a fisherman was rescued by the Spanish coast guard, it added.

The country's meteorological service issued several warnings for heavy showers and storms throughout Majorca.

North and north-east regions were on red alert for very heavy rain, with forecasts predicting up to 180 liters of water per square meter to accumulate within four or five hours.

Spain's Military Emergencies Unit announced it had traveled to Majorca to support local authorities.