Al-Nour Kindergarten Breaks New Ground in Syria

The first of its kind in Syria, the Al-Nour Kindergarten in Damascus includes a center that specifically caters for visually impaired children as well as those who have autism, speech and hearing disabilities.
It was founded in 2022 by the Syrian Association for the Care of the Blind in Damascus.
Board member from the Association for the Care of the Blind in Damascus, Mohsen Mukla, says the center aims to facilitate the integration of blind children, and those with additional disabilities, further into their families and societies.
“The kindergarten today includes a center that I can say is the first in the Middle East that takes care of a double disability which means blindness and another disability such as a speaking or a hearing disability as well as autism, behavioral and movement. This center offers sessions for the child in order to rehabilitate and become able to learn in school and merge with their society and family,” he added.
Al-Nour Kindergarten uses Montessori techniques as well as braille in its teaching of pupils under six-years of age so as to prepare them for school.
Specific sessions are available for children who have more than one disability.
Turkiya Majhood, the mother of a visually impaired little girl, said that the Kindergarten's teaching was "excellent" and had really helped her daughter's learning, behavior and comprehension.
All services are free of charge and costs are handled by the Association for the Care of the Blind in Damascus, including transport for the children, to and from the kindergarten.
Despite its popularity, the economic situation in Syria means funding for the kindergarten is becoming a challenge.
However, according to Mukla, the Association for the Care of the Blind in Damascus will do everything in its power to keep it running.