Flooded Mallorca Airport Grounds Planes Amid Storm

Flooded Mallorca Airport Grounds Planes Amid Storm
Flooded Mallorca Airport Grounds Planes Amid Storm

Planes were grounded on flooded runways at the airport in Palma, the capital of the Spanish island of Mallorca, as heavy rains swept over the popular tourist destination.

Water also streamed from the ceiling of the complex's shopping area and leaked through windows.

The storm brought all activity to a halt at Son Sant Joan airport, Spain's third-biggest, due to the "impossibility of operating safely", operator Aena said in a statement.

It said in a statement: "Palma de Mallorca Airport has temporarily paralyzed operations due to the impact of a strong storm, due to the impossibility of operating safely."

The airport activated its emergency plan and flights to Mallorca were temporarily re-routed to alternative airports, Transport Minister Oscar Puente said.

Puente later said on social messaging platform X that the airport was resuming operations as the rain subsided.

The airport - the third biggest in Spain - activated its emergency plan and flights to Majorca were temporarily re-routed to alternative airports, transport minister Oscar Puente said.

National weather agency AEMET said its station at the airport recorded rainfall of nearly 5 centimeters per hour, with peaks of up to 9 cm in less than an hour.

Cars also struggled to traverse the airport's flooded parking lot.

Passenger traffic at the airport last year reached 31.1 million, an all-time record.

The Mediterranean island, known for its picturesque beaches and sunny weather, is one of Europe's most visited destinations, especially popular with German and British tourists.

"The first take-offs and landings have already begun and it is expected that the diverted flights will land during the afternoon at the Palma airport."