Venezuelan Candidates Rally Ahead of Election

Less than fifteen days away from the presidential election, both the opposition candidate Edmundo Gonzalez and ruling party candidate and incumbent president Nicolas Maduro met with their supporters in Venezuela.
Gonzalez, the leading opposition candidate in the July presidential elections, rallied with supporters in northern Carabobo state. There, he led a motorcade together with opposition leader Maria Corina Machado.
Locals waited for hours for the rally, which was delayed due to the closure of different roads to access the area.
Previously and through a video posted on her X social media account, Machado denounced multiple checkpoints that intended to "block the highway" on her way to the rally.
According to Gonzalez's campaign group ComandoConVzla, Machado had to make part of her journey to the event on foot and motorcycle after a road closure prevented her from reaching the rally site.
Opposition leader, maria corina machado, saying: ''We are experiencing today here in Carabobo, where Venezuela was born, the expression of a country that has already defeated tyranny but also, as all the posters say, defeated fear as well, so this is a moment of confidence, of trusting in our strength, in our organization and doing the work we have to do for the next days because we are going to win and we are going to get results.”
Meanwhile, in the central-western state of Portuguesa, Maduro danced to the beat of his campaign song on stage after a meeting with farmers.
In the July 28 elections, President Nicolas Maduro will seek a third consecutive six-year term, while nine candidates will try to oust Chavismo, in power since 1999, which has been accused of campaign advantage-taking.