Griffith Park Fire Contained by LAFD

Griffith Park Fire Contained by LAFD
Griffith Park Fire Contained by LAFD

A brush fire sparked in Griffith Park, prompting an immediate response from the Los Angeles Fire Department (LAFD). According to the LAFD's alert, the blaze began around 02:28 AM at 5600 W Zoo Drive.

A team of firefighters was dispatched to the scene to combat the quarter-acre fire, which was rapidly climbing uphill through dense vegetation.

Within just over an hour, the LAFD successfully contained the fire which had expanded to approximately 2 acres.

Running in the steep terrain, crews are expected to remain on-site, as they work towards cooling any remaining hot spots.

"Forward progress on the fire in Griffith Park has been stopped," an LAFD statement read, as firefighters reinforce containment lines by clearing surrounding brush down to the mineral soil.

Thankfully, no injuries were reported and no buildings have been damaged in this incident.

The cause of the fire is still being investigated.LAFD update, the containment was completed at around 03:44 AM. It was a collective effort involving various resources such as engines, tactical units, and air operations teams.

With no injuries or structural damages reported, the focus of emergency services now remains on mitigating any residual risks, ensuring the fire is wholly extinguished and preventing any potential flare-ups.

Crews are meticulously monitoring the burned area and the: LAFD has assured the public that the situation is under control.

As the cause of the fire awaits determination by investigators, Griffith Park's accessibility and public activities have been understandably impaired, with certain sections likely to remain restricted until the LAFD deems the areas safe.