Brazil Assumes Control of Argentine Embassy

Brazil Assumes Control of Argentine Embassy
Brazil Assumes Control of Argentine Embassy

Brazil took over the administration of Argentina's diplomatic premises in Caracas following the expulsion of Argentine diplomats by Venezuela's government, leaving the fate of six Venezuelan opposition figures taking refuge in the embassy unclear.

Brazil had agreed to take care of Argentina's interests in Venezuela at the request of its neighbor and the Brazilian flag was raised over the ambassador's residence.

Argentina's diplomats were expelled by the government of President Nicolas Maduro after Buenos Aires criticized his proclaimed re-election in a vote last weekend - a result of the opposition disputes. They should leave the country.

Brazil will meditate on issues regarding Argentine citizens in Venezuela, the main one being the status of six Venezuelan opposition leaders who sought asylum in the Argentine embassy.

Argentina presidential spokesperson, Manuel Adorni, saying: “There has never been, nor is there, nor will there be, surely any diplomatic conflict with Brazil, regardless of the episodes you are referring to Argentina's president Javier Milei's outbursts against Brazilian president Lula da Silva. Regarding Venezuela, this forms part of this display of gratitude from president Milei, because Brazil is going to protect Argentina's interests in Venezuela in terms, of course, of what is happening at the embassy. Today the Argentine diplomats are leaving the embassy and they will return to Argentina. The rest of the details we will not disclose for security reasons.”

The Argentine president, Javier Milei, said in a message on his X account that he appreciated “Brazil's willingness to take over the custody of the Argentine Embassy in Venezuela,” and expressed hope of soon reopening his country's Embassy "in a free and democratic Venezuela."