Cairo’s Historic Bimaristan Al-Muayyad Reopens After Restoration

Cairo’s Historic Bimaristan Al-Muayyad Reopens After Restoration
Cairo’s Historic Bimaristan Al-Muayyad Reopens After Restoration

Egypt's Tourism and Antiquities Ministry opened the historic Bimaristan Al-Muayyad Sheikh, one of the oldest hospitals in Cairo, following extensive renovations carried out in partnership between Egypt and the United States Agency for International Development.

The Bimaristan, which was a hospital constructed by the Mamluk sultan al-Muayyad Sheikh, is located near Cairo Citadel, in Souk El-Selah street. The restored site was unveiled during a ceremony attended by key officials from Egypt and the U.S.

Secretary-General of the Supreme Council of Antiquities, Mohamed Ismail, emphasized the significance of integrating civil society in the preservation process, highlighting that the restoration of Bimaristan Al-Muayyad is part of a broader initiative that includes over eight historical buildings.

"This place was a hospital, so it was a service place that used to serve the community, and this was the idea behind its restoration and renovating it and reusing it again as a service place also that serves the community and the surrounding area," Ismail said.

The restoration aligns with a broader strategy to use these sites as cultural hubs, encouraging local communities to engage with and preserve their heritage.

Deputy Tourism Minister Yomna El Bahar announced plans to offer the eight sites after finishing their restoration for investment, with the aim of enhancing the visitor experience through entertainment, artistic, and cultural services that will also benefit the surrounding communities.

U.S. Ambassador to Egypt, Herro Mustafa Garg, highlighted the long-standing partnership between the two countries, noting that the U.S. government has invested over 140 million dollars in the conservation of Egypt's cultural heritage over the past 30 years.

The reopening of Bimaristan Al-Mu'ayyad Sheikh marks a significant step in preserving Egypt's rich cultural heritage while promoting community involvement and sustainable tourism in Old Cairo.