Montenegro inks accord with Serbian Orthodox Church

Authorities in Montenegro signed a controversial new agreement with the Serbian Orthodox Church on Wednesday in what many fear may unleash a fresh political crisis in the Balkan nation.
The agreement covers a range of issues including measures to provide a regulatory framework for the hundreds of properties, including churches and monasteries, owned by the Serbian Orthodox Church (SPC).
"Fundamental Agreement between Montenegro and the Serbian Orthodox Church signed," Montenegro's Prime Minister Dritan Abazovic wrote on Twitter.
"We are moving on, with focus on better living standards for citizens," he added.
Montenegro has signed similar agreements with other religious bodies in the past, including the Catholic church and with representatives of its Jewish and Muslim communities.
Abazovic said the latest agreement would hopefully smooth over relations between divisive groups within the country, particularly pro-Serbia and pro-Western parties.
The country's President Milo Djukanovic has long been a fierce opponent of the SPC and been accused of wanting to nationalise the church's properties.
"The agreement signed today is contrary to the constitution of Montenegro and will be suspended immediately after the election of a new government," the president's party announced Wednesday.
Speculation is rife over whether Djukanovic -- who is currently in the opposition -- will use the latest accord as a way to destabilise the ruling government and push for early elections.